Katie Villanueva is a Trailblazer

The Salesforce Admin Path and Continual Learning

Katie Villanueva’s story is a testament to the unexpected paths that lead us to our true passions. With a background in radio, call centers, and then sales, Katie found that those roles weren’t suited to her. However, this realization was just the beginning of her transformative journey.

While working as a customer service agent with ZirMed, Katie connected with the Salesforce Platform and understood its potential. When she started a new job at Alliant Purchasing and the company didn’t know how to best utilize Salesforce, Katie volunteered to help customize its Salesforce org. This opportunity led her to become Alliant’s full-time admin. She leveraged Trailhead’s free resources to continually upskill herself. This period became an opportunity for growth, leading her to delve deeper into the world of Salesforce and improve her expertise, which helped her execute on the ideas she had as a user.

Finding Community and Stepping Out of the Comfort Zone

At the start of her career, Katie often felt isolated until she discovered the Trailblazer Community. Immersing herself in this supportive network was a pivotal “aha!” moment, igniting her passion for learning and growth. The community provided a platform for her to connect, share, and learn from others. Katie’s journey took a bold turn when she ventured into public speaking for the first time. This courageous step pushed her out of her comfort zone and enabled her to share her story and insights with others, further solidifying her role as a mentor and advocate in the community.

Salesforce: A Lifeline for Mental Health and Advocacy

For Katie, Salesforce became more than just a professional tool; it was instrumental in managing her mental health. It helped her find focus, calm the chaos, and enhance her problem-solving abilities. Salesforce’s impact on her mental wellbeing was profound, aiding her in supporting others while managing her own challenges. Katie’s speaking engagements coincided with her journey of managing bipolar disorder. She used her platform to advocate against the stigma surrounding mental illness, sharing her experiences to inspire and support others facing similar challenges.

Embracing Growth and Making an Impact

In her current role as Salesforce Administrator at 10K Advisors, Katie has found a unique way to blend her passion with her profession. She believes her most important job is supporting the people who do “the work” at work, even though she doesn’t consider the role she loves as work. For Katie, coming to work every day is a joy, filled with learning new things — a close second to executing what she has just learned, which she considers her favorite activity. The continual learning opportunities in her job keep it engaging and ever-evolving, allowing her to grow and avoid stagnation. Katie’s enthusiasm for automation shines through in her work; she loves immersing herself in a project and crafting efficient business processes. She’s even delving into coding to master every aspect of automation, aiming to be self-sufficient and equipped with the right tools for every task. Her commitment to her role and her passion for continual growth make her an asset at 10K.

It’s fun to play with AI. It’s like baking cookies. I put words into the oven and see how they come out. A lot of times I have to adjust the recipe, but with AI I don’t have to wait for them to bake

Katie Villanueva
Salesforce Administrator, 10K Advisors

Living Authentically: Turning Challenges into Opportunities

Through her courage, respect, and mindfulness, Katie inspires others to embrace both the highs and lows of life. Her ultimate goal is to convey that “it’s okay not to be okay,” encouraging others to live their authentic lives and seek support when needed. Her story is a powerful narrative of resilience, personal growth, and the transformative power of community. From her entry into the Salesforce Administrator career path to advocating for mental health, her journey illustrates the importance of embracing one’s path, finding supportive networks, and turning challenges into opportunities for fulfillment.