Shakil Kamran is a Trailblazer

From Retail to Revolution

Balancing college and working as a retail manager at an electronics store, Shakil Kamran felt stuck. He was doing what he had to in order to support his wife and their newborn baby, but it wasn’t easy. At the same time, he was studying for a degree in computer information systems, but wasn’t sure what to do after graduating. Everything changed when he was first introduced to Salesforce through PepUp Tech, a non-profit that provides tech training to underserved communities.

A Risk Worth Taking

Through PepUp, Shakil was given an opportunity to attend Dreamforce — but taking the time off meant risking his job as a retail manager. After weighing his options, he made the decision to quit his job in order to attend the conference and focus completely on pursing a path within the Salesforce ecosystem. The connections made at Dreamforce helped him land his first role in the ecosystem as a Salesforce Consultant. 

The Power of Innovation

Through Salesforce, Shakil sees how technology can shape the future for the clients he serves. Today, as he continues his career in the ecosystem, nothing is more top-of-mind for him and his colleagues than artificial intelligence. With Salesforce's AI innovations, Shakil continues to drive value for his clients by enabling them to make smarter, data-driven decisions. His consultation alongside Salesforce's innovation has led to their increased efficiency, streamlined workflows, and overall improved customer relationships.

The more Salesforce innovates, pivots and changes the status quo of the technology landscape, the more excited I get. I know the future of businesses driven by Salesforce will forever be the greatest platform for change.

Shakil Kamran
Strategic Alliance Manager, AllCloud

A Learner’s Mindset

Amidst the continuous improvements through innovation that Salesforce prides itself on, Shakil and his team rely on Trailhead to stay informed on the latest trends and technology to best help their customers. Shakil is able to help his clients in the wake of a technological shift towards AI, and encourages them to do the same.