Zac Otero is a Trailblazer

From Factory to Future

When Zac Otero dropped out of high school, he quickly got to work. He started off at McDonald’s as a teenager, but in his 20’s, Zac transitioned to a job at a factory. There he spent everyday 200 feet underground in a man-made cave where he operated a machine for slicing deli meat. Although it was hard labor, Zac felt grateful to have a job when so many around him were unemployed. Zac was grinding every day to make ends meet, but when he had his first child, he knew he needed to make a change to support his family.

Zac looked to his wife’s cousin. Like him, his cousin hadn’t gone to college, but was successfully able to support his family of six. His cousin explained that he was a Salesforce Developer and that no degree or background in IT was required to become a Salesforce professional. In that moment, Zac decided to get to work. He dug into all the resources he could find at the time — study guides, webinars, blog posts. He even discovered the Salesforce Admins podcasts and snuck in headphones under his protective gear at work to listen to podcasts and recorded sessions. But Zac knew he couldn’t make this transition alone. So after work at the factory, he’d put on a suit and go to a local Salesforce user group meetup. He found a place to ask questions, get guidance, and make lasting connections. 

Discovering a New Path

Zac soon got a major wakeup call when the factory he worked at announced it was closing. Fortunately, he had already put in nine months of Salesforce studying so he knew he had a lifeline. He turned his studying into high gear and passed the Salesforce Certified Administrator certification, and four months later he started as a Salesforce Admin full-time — a role he found through a connection he had made in the Trailblazer Community.

A Job to a Career

Today, Zac’s future is limitless. As a Revenue Insights Manager at Cardlytics, Zac handles a crucial role, using Salesforce to harness the power of CRM, Data, and AI. His day-to-day responsibilities involve digging deep into data to pull out valuable insights and strategies to share with his executive leaders that ultimately help them boost revenue and drive business growth for their companies. He deciphers complex data, creating actionable insights that help Cardlytics deliver more value to their customers.

Trailhead is the front door to a new job economy — to change your life. You can start learning today the things that will give you a job tomorrow.

Zac Otero
Revenue Insights Manager, Cardlytics

Zac has always seen work as a blessing, but because of the Salesforce ecosystem, he has a career and a way to support his family. He has grown his knowledge, his experience, and his community — and is paving the way for so many around him. Zac embodies tenacity and wants everyone to know that there’s a spot for you in the Salesforce ecosystem.