Taylor & Hart

Salesforce helps us give our customers an unforgettable buying experience as they plan one of the biggest moments of their lives.”

- Nikolay Piriankov, CEO and Co-Founder, Taylor & Hart

Taylor & Hart helps more people plan the perfect proposal with Salesforce  

Love is timeless, but traditions get tired. And Taylor & Hart is replacing the cookie cutter approach to engagement rings and helping couples celebrate their individuality. By combining the traditional bricks and mortar showroom with the convenience of online shopping, the company is helping its customers to design truly bespoke jewellery to tell their love story.

“When I wanted to propose to my partner, I found traditional jewellers weren’t able to incorporate my ideas, but I didn’t feel comfortable using an online retailer either,” says Nikolav Piriankov, CEO and Co-Founder of Taylor & Hart. “A lot of people I spoke to felt the same, so Taylor & Hart was born to unite the best of both worlds – transparency, the ability to design your own ring, and a personal touch.”

With Salesforce, Taylor & Hart can retain these values, protecting the customer experience while growing the business. “With the customer journey underpinned by Salesforce, we have a conversion rate of 80% once the customer’s had a consultation, and 15% of our business comes to us via referrals,” said Piriankov.


At Taylor & Hart we’re all about celebrating creativity and individuality. With Salesforce, we’ve got a platform that helps us be unique and stand apart from our competitors.”

Nikolay Piriankov, CEO and Co-Founder, Taylor & Hart

The right CRM solution helps consultants build one-to-one customer relationships, even as the company grows.

When Taylor & Hart launched as an online business, Piriankov was quick to realise that providing the human touch was vital in as emotive a process as choosing and buying an engagement ring. In fact, 92% of the company’s customers wanted to talk to a consultant.

So Piriankov had to work out how he was going to keep the high-touch experience while achieving his growth ambitions. “Trust and transparency are at the heart of our business – especially as customers want to know our diamonds are sourced ethically,” said Piriankov. “This means we need to develop one-to-one relationships with each of our customers.”

But with 1,000 new leads a month, managing sales via spreadsheets was quickly becoming impossible. “To unlock better visibility and build more intimate relationships with both existing and potential customers, we needed to take data out of spreadsheets,” he added.

Piriankov and his team recognised they needed a CRM system, but it needed to be one that would grow with them. “We’re always looking to the future, and we know that the last thing a growing company needs is to expend resources migrating to a new system,” explained Piriankov. “So we wanted a solution that could scale up with us – and Salesforce fit the bill perfectly.” 

Centralised customer information means every conversation is personal.

Taylor & Hart’s Salesforce journey started in 2016 with Sales Cloud. Two years later, Salesforce is supporting the whole business, connecting processes from merchandising through to marketing. “Almost everyone at Taylor & Hart uses Salesforce daily, from our consultants and designers to admin and finance teams,” said Piriankov.

The entire customer journey is managed through Salesforce, including regular outreach. “By automating key processes, we can free up the team to deliver the personal touch where it counts,” said Piriankov. “We can make sure that no leads fall through the gaps, and as more information is discovered about each customer, and their partner, it’s added to their profile.”

Detailed customer histories and regular surveys help customers feel supported.  

With quotes and product details also captured in Salesforce, consultants can personalise every conversation. And when a couple returns for a wedding ring or to resize the band, consultants have a detailed history to work from, improving service for the customer. With the Salesforce Mobile App, all this information can be accessed from the road, making it easier for remote employees to manage their schedules and prepare for the day ahead.

To ensure Taylor & Hart continues to meet its customers’ expectations, it's using Salesforce to send out regular customer surveys. “Tracking our Net Promoter Score (NPS) is really important to us, and if we get less than 9/10 we ask how we could’ve improved the experience,” said Piriankov. “Proposing is a nerve-wracking experience, and a big purchase, so we want our customers to feel supported.”

A partnership and weekly sprints enable continuous improvement.

To get the most from its Salesforce implementation, Piriankov and his team have undertaken a number of integrations and custom configurations with help from a partner. For example, they’ve designed bespoke briefing templates for designers, integrated team messaging when new leads come in, and are displaying sales performance on live screens around the office. 

“We brought in a partner to learn more about what we could achieve with Salesforce, and it proved to be the best idea!” said Piriankov. “Now we have a really efficient way of organising our data, and whenever we want to do something new, we just turn to the AppExchange.”

And the company’s journey is far from over: it has weekly sprints with its partner to continue working on improvements, and is weeks away from implementing Pardot. “With Pardot, we’ll be able to nurture customers more efficiently from the moment they visit our website,” said Piriankov. “It’s usually used by B2B companies, but with our long lead times and highly customised approach, it’s ideal for us.”

A higher conversion rate helps spread the love wider.

As Taylor & Hart disrupts the jewellery market with a unique shopping experience, it’s attracting more interest from customers. And with Salesforce, it has the resources to turn more of these leads into sales. “With Salesforce, we’ve got a business model that can grow,” says Piriankov. “It helps us stay close to our customers as we scale, and crucially, it also helps demonstrate to investors that we can support our expansion ambitions. Our goal isn’t just to sell rings, but to build a brand that people can trust and create more special memories for our customers.”

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