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Are FMCG brands making the most of AI's potential?

Artificial intelligence is rarely out of the news. But for all the splashy headlines and bold claims there remains plenty of quiet scepticism across brands themselves.

According to a 2023 poll of UK business leaders, more than one in three (35%) believe AI is too expensive to implement, 33% say they don’t have the time to accommodate it and 33% say they simply don’t have the internal skills within their team to make use of it.

So, what’s the reality?

In this Grocer Vision webinar, our expert panellists will explore the current potential of AI for consumer goods brands in 2024 and the exact use cases where it offers the most value. They’ll bust myths around the costs, resources and internal skills required, and suggest practical ways that brands can get started with integrating AI tools into their business.


  • Adrian Smalley, Consumer goods transformation senior director, Salesforce
  • Laia Collazos, Chief data & analytics officer, CCEP
  • Shelley MacIntyre, General manager & chief marketing officer, Allplants
  • Carl Carter, SVP of media & analytics, Circana


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