Marketing That Fuels Spectacular Growth

Marketing That Fuels Spectacular Growth

Don’t miss Tiffani Bova, Global, Customer Growth, and Innovation Evangelist at Salesforce, and Seth Godin, legendary marketing guru and author of Purple Cow (the best-selling marketing book of the decade), as they discuss:

-Why all best-sellers are surprise best-sellers — the status quo isn’t your friend
-How to make your business stand out — in other words, how to be a purple cow
-Why good marketing matters today more than ever
-How top brands are using customer experience as a competitive weapon

Seth Godin is an entrepreneur, best-selling author, and speaker. In addition to launching one of the most popular blogs in the world, he has written 18 best-selling books, including The Dip, Linchpin, Purple Cow, Tribes, and What to Do When It's Your Turn (And It's Always Your Turn). Seth is also the founder of two companies, Squidoo and Yoyodyne (acquired by Yahoo!).

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