State of Sales Report

Discover insights from 5,500 sales pros on driving growth and standing out in a crowd.

Dive into the sixth edition of our report to discover:

  • How sales teams with AI are outperforming those without it
  • The #1 tactic for growth, according to sales leaders
  • Why many teams don’t trust their data, and how they're fixing it
  • Critical actions teams can take to retain their best reps

See a preview of the findings below.


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Here’s a sneak peek into the “State of Sales” report.

New pressures call for better tools and training.

Changing customer expectations is the top challenge sellers face today. The top tactic for growth to address this challenge? Improved enablement that helps reps deliver more value and outmaneuver the competition.

Reps spend too much time on non-selling tasks.

Despite advances in technology, sellers spend 70% of their time on non-selling tasks, a figure virtually unchanged from the previous “State of Sales” report. This inefficiency holds reps back even as they’re asked to deliver more value.

AI goes mainstream, putting a spotlight on trustworthy data.

Four out of five sales teams are using AI. Many are seeing benefits like improved productivity and personalization for customers. But AI needs trustworthy data to be effective, which puts the focus on building a foundation of accurate data.

Discover the latest insights from the “State of Sales” report today.


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