We have your back when it comes to data recovery.


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Backup and Recover your most important data on your own terms.


Deploy Backups Effortlessly

Implement your backup policies, fast, in an admin-friendly UI

  • Create backup policies for your organization with clicks vs complex installations
  • Automatically backup your data on a configurable schedule (hourly, daily, weekly, monthly)
  • Encrypt your backed-up files, attachments, and data at rest and in transit 

Recover Data Securely and Swiftly

Recover your data to minimize business disruption

  • Recover vital files, attachments, and data to ensure business continuity. 
  • Review and compare different backups to select the desired data for restoration
  • Seamlessly export your backup data to CSVs during your data recovery process

Monitor and Manage in Real-Time

Stay updated with your backup and data recovery activities

  • Get immediate overviews on your ongoing and completed backup jobs from the home page
  • Get notified right away on your activities through custom alerts linked to your existing workflows 
  • Browse logs for a detailed analysis of your backup jobs and restore activities for each object

Want to learn more?

Ask us about our Salesforce native backup and data recovery solution. Our highly trained reps are standing by, ready to help. Call us at 1-866-362-4538.