Report illegal content.


Complete the form and our team will contact you about your report.

First name is required
Last name is required
Valid email is required
Country is required
Content Category is required
Content Location is required
Please provide the URL, Content ID, or other metadata associated with the content. This information is important and helps us locate the content you’re reporting. If we do not have this information, we may not be able to locate the content you are reporting.
Additional information is required
In addition to the URL, Content ID, or other metadata, please provide the date, time, and specific product or section of the site (for example, Commerce Cloud or Trailblazer Community) where you viewed the illegal content. This information helps us locate the content you're reporting.
This field is required
Please include as much information as possible on the relevant law you believe this content violates and why you believe the content is illegal. This helps us properly assess your report.
By submitting this form, the party named herein confirms that it has a bona fide belief that the information contained herein is accurate and complete.
You understand and acknowledge that you are submitting this form in accordance with the Digital Services Act, and pursuant to Article 23 of said Act, if you frequently submit notices or complaints that are manifestly unfounded, your access to Salesforce Services may be suspended (if applicable). Salesforce will process your data as described in the Privacy Statement.