Going for Growth: Future of Selling

OnDemand Event

Hyper-personalization. Buyer-centricity. Building relationships in a virtual setting. The challenges of B2B selling have reached a tipping point in the past year. As we look to the future, how can sales leaders evolve to an outcome-centric, digital-first selling model?

Salesforce’s Office of Innovation invites you to watch these OnDemand sessions to hear a fresh perspective on how to sell in a digital-first world, featuring new learnings from the top minds in our network. You’ll also hear from our partner Deloitte Digital to share actionable insights on the future of B2B selling.


OnDemand Sessions:

  • The Future of Selling with the Office of Innovation and Deloitte Digital
  • The science of selling: Build a systematic sales engine
  • The art of selling: Skill up your sellers with insights, coaching and tools
  • The magic of selling: Drive customer outcomes and lifetime value
Questions? Call us at 1-800-667-6389

Watch our OnDemand Event

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