How to Accelerate Digital Transformation with the Technology Modernization Fund

A step-by-step guide for government agencies to navigate the program and apply for funding

Benjamin Sweezy
Director, Federal Digital Strategy

Chapter 3: How to Make Your Case for TMF Funding

The strongest proposals clearly illustrate how their success aligns with the key objectives of your agency and current priorities. They unambiguously make the case that this investment is critical to addressing the agency’s needs and will have a tangible impact on the public.

However, a successful proposal relies on more than just a great idea. Agencies have to demonstrate they are prepared to take on the challenges associated with modernization and show they have a solid foundation upon which they will build their updated IT infrastructure.

Outside of well-planned goals and detailed timelines, there are a few steps your agency can take to bolster your proposal and make a stronger case for TMF funding.

Scale on a cloud-based platform

The agencies that have the most success receiving funding and making the most of it are the ones that have an enterprise platform already in place.

A cloud-based enterprise platform like Salesforce allows different teams to collaborate in one place with access to the same data. They have the tools needed to execute individual components of the proposal while still working toward the same end goal under a unified vision.

By having your teams on one platform, your agency proves it is ready to go as soon as funding is approved. This can signal to the TMF Board that the likelihood of success is much higher than an agency that is operating on an outdated system with siloed teams.

Be prepared for immediate impact

An enterprise system makes it easier to kick off a modernization project once TMF funding is approved.

IT modernization projects are often time-consuming and can use up lots of valuable resources. Partnerships, integrations, and platforms are already in place with an enterprise system, so TMF funding simply accelerates existing work instead of starting a new project from scratch.

This is an important consideration for the TMF when considering proposals that make the most valuable and efficient use of funding to get solutions implemented quickly.

A secure, compliant platform

An existing enterprise platform with FedRAMP authorization, like Salesforce, is valuable for agencies looking to secure funding from the TMF Board. Salesforce Government Cloud Plus has achieved a provisional Authority to Operate (ATO) at the high-impact level issued by the FedRAMP Joint Authorization Board (JAB), which includes the Department of Defense (DoD), Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and General Services Administration (GSA).

Operating on an approved platform proves to the TMF Board that your project meets strict compliance standards while reducing security risks. A compliant platform also demonstrates that your agency is ready to rapidly modernize and scale government services to impact as many citizens as possible, as fast as possible.

Having a solid, secure enterprise system in place before you begin your modernization project can strengthen your proposal. It gives the TMF Board confidence in your agency’s ability to successfully execute and implement your solution to bring value to the government and citizens quickly and effectively.


Chapter 4: Successful Transformations Funded by the TMF

See which government agencies have received funding and implemented solutions, including:
  • A website for an underserved constituent group
  • A cloud-based platform for citizen concerns
  • Upgrades to the immigration application process

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